Uses for a Brick

A melee weapon

A mold for making fireworks

As a wedge to stop something with wheels from rolling downhill

To fix a wobbly table

To build a forge

To build a house

To make some art

To study erosion

Use it as a stamp

Use it as a mini planter

A pile of bricks could be used as cover from enemy fire

Bricks from ancient civilizations can teach us about the people that build them

Bricks can be used to hide things in or behind because they are nondescript and often looked over

A brick could be used as a drink coster

A thrown brick makes a great riot starter


P.S. Here’s some neat brick art work I found while looking around google.


In the utah valley area there is a misconception that coffee is some evil poison sent to destroy the world as we know it.

Case in point

and while you are allowed to believe whatever the the hell you’d like to, I would like to paint coffee in a better light.

Humans have been consuming coffee since the 11th century. When it was first discovered it was called a “magical fruit” where it was boiled with its leaves into a drink that was considered to have strong medicinal effects. Which is sort of amazing that our ancestors have been using it for that long, and shows that it is not only extremely safe to drink but that it has been recognized to make people healthier for centuries.

Coffee is made up of several different compounds which include everyone’s favorite psychoactive drug caffeine, large amounts of antioxidants which help clean up your skin, and diterpenes which are currently being investigated for their protective role against certain types of cancers.

Coffee is much easier on your body than soda or an energy drink and it has unfairly demonized because one line of scripture says hot drinks are bad… just hot drinks…. never once does it mention coffee.

D&C 89:9 (read the whole chapter there is like 5 verses on why you shouldn’t eat meat except in times of famine and winter but everyone conveniently forgot about that part of the word of wisdom)

Go drink some coffee! I promise your soul won’t be sent to hell for it.

(If you care to learn a bit more here is a great video on why coffee is awesome)

Who am I?

I’ve got a list of afflictions that make me very quick to build walls and bite with words

I’m an Ex-Mormon

I’m an Optimistic Nihilist, or at the very least I pretend to be

I’m quick to doubt what I say

I don’t like being stuck with the person I am

I like Dungeons and Dragons

I don’t really care what most people think

I try to understand as much as I can

I talk without thinking

I’m trying to be a better person

I spend far too long with myself

I feel more alone in a crowd

I want to try and bring something good into the world

I hope I make you laugh more than I make you feel down

I want to leave Utah

I don’t think I’m a good person

I don’t think I’m a bad person either

I feel like I make the same mistakes over and over again